Newsletter: New monitoring wells installed, Using water efficiently at Salinas Fire, and more
New monitoring wells installed to bolster information gatheringThe Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency is installing the last set of 10 new monitoring wells as part of the implementation of the Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs). The new wells will be added to the existing network of monitoring wells.The SVBGSA [...]
Newsletter: Dive into the Deep Aquifer Study, Understanding the new Groundwater Monitoring Program, and more
Dive into the Deep Aquifer Study At the Salinas Valley coastline, the groundwater basin in composed of a layered aquifer system. The barriers within that system, called aquitards, create unique aquifers called the 180-Foot, 400-Foot and Deep Aquifers. As seawater [...]
Monterey County Now – A group hopes to slow seawater’s intrusion by identifying flood-prone land
David Schmalz here, with an interesting update on how the Salinas Valley can stabilize its groundwater levels, a critical problem to solve in order to halt the inland march of seawater intrusion into aquifers, which fouls wells and makes water [...]
Central Coast Agriculture – New partnership will provide for better water data
A new partnership has been formed between the Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency (SVBGSA) and the Monterey County Water Resources Agency (MCWRA) to improve the collection and storage of regional groundwater data. The partnership establishes one cohesive program, called [...]
King City Rustler – Community input sought for flood-prone areas to support future groundwater recharge efforts in Salinas Valley
Multi-benefit Land Repurposing Program’s Recharge Work Group accepting members; first meeting is Wednesday SALINAS VALLEY — In an effort to increase groundwater recharge and storage while reducing flooding, four local agencies and nonprofits collaborating on the Multi-benefit Land Repurposing Program [...]
Fall Newsletter
SVBGSA wants to know how flooding has impacted you The Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency and other Multi-Benefit Land Repurposing Program partners are working with Dr. Helen Dahlke and Dr. JayLee Tuil from the University of California Davis to [...]
Press Release: Community Input Sought
Community input sought for flood-prone areas to support future groundwater recharge efforts in the Salinas Valley Multi-benefit Land Repurposing Program’s Recharge Work Group accepting members; first meeting is Oct. 23 SALINAS, Calif. — In an effort to increase groundwater recharge [...]
October Newsletter
Groundwater Monitoring Program poised to expand in the Salinas Valley Basin The Groundwater Monitoring Program is a partnership between the Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency and the Monterey County Water Resources Agency to improve the collection and storage of regional groundwater data. Pending [...]
August Newsletter
SVBGSA at the Monterey County Fair! Hope to see you at the Monterey County Fair "Water Conservation Showcase" this Saturday (Aug. 31) from noon to 5 p.m. This event showcases demos and displays about water conservation strategies and water use [...]
July Newsletter
Dive into the Deep Aquifer Study The recently-completed Deep Aquifer Study is now available on the SVBGSA website. This landmark work aims to understand the conditions of the Deep Aquifers better, including the geographic extent and hydrogeologic characteristics of these [...]