Our Water Future in the Salinas Valley: Planning for Uncertainty

The Salinas Valley depends on groundwater for domestic and commercial use as well as to irrigate crops that feed the world. It is a vital resource that we have a shared responsibility to protect and manage. Also, the Valley along with the rest of the State, more frequently faces weather extremes that can result in too much or too little water. These extremes create uncertainty that impacts our communities, our businesses, and our health and safety. Preparing for uncertainty and sustainably managing the shared water resources is our collective responsibility.

Five community workshops — Our Water Future in the Salinas Valley: Planning for Uncertainty — were held across the Salinas Valley over April and May 2024. The workshops were an opportunity for dialogue about:

  • Future of water availability and protection in the Salinas Valley
  • Local water management responsibilities and partnerships
  • Ongoing efforts on water use efficiency
  • Tools for urban and agricultural water users in times of uncertainty
  • Methods for water demand management and regulation

The workshops provided valuable information about how water is managed in the Valley, the steps residents and businesses have taken toward more efficient water use, and the wide range of options for us to consider in minimizing water waste, improving efficiencies and reallocating resources to ensure continued availability of water for the Salinas Valley Basin. Spanish interpretation was offered.

View the workshop videos here:

During 2024, the SVBGSA will work with landowners, business and agricultural managers, community representatives, water leaders, technical specialists and other stakeholders to disseminate information, gather input and prepare long-range plans to address water scarcity.

View workshop presentations here:

Salinas Valley Water – An Overview

Planning for Uncertainty – What Do We Do?

Planning for Uncertainty – What Do Others Do?