Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency – January Newsletter
New program encourages repurposing of flood-prone irrigated lands The Salinas [...]
New program encourages repurposing of flood-prone irrigated lands The Salinas [...]
Seawater intrusion: A key issue for the Salinas Valley Basin [...]
SVBGSA completes third monitoring well, adding crucial subbasin data The [...]
$10M in Grant Funding Supports Implementation of Groundwater Sustainability Plans [...]
Funding will support four groundwater subbasins in Monterey County SALINAS, [...]
FALLing for a new drought-tolerant yard? Rebates can help! As [...]
What does it mean to have overdrafted subbasins in the [...]
Summer is here! So are new personal irrigation habits During [...]
Monterey, CA -- Sustainable water resource management efforts in the [...]
Langley, Eastside, Forebay, Upper Valley and Monterey Subbasins' plans move [...]