The Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency is installing the last set of 10 new monitoring wells as part of the implementation of the Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs). The new wells are being added to the existing network of monitoring wells.

The SVBGSA was awarded Department of Water Resources Sustainable Groundwater Management Round 1 and Round 2 Implementation Grants. The grants fund activities in support of the implementation of GSPs, including compliance reporting and data expansion activities like the installation of new monitoring wells.

A final report on the completion of four new groundwater monitoring wells in the Salinas Valley Basin, including the first round of groundwater testing from these wells, is now available. These wells, constructed with grant funds, provide valuable data about groundwater elevations and help to understand how groundwater levels fluctuate over time in response to changes in groundwater recharge and pumping. Explore the report here.

Groundwater level monitoring wells provide data about how groundwater elevations fluctuate over time in response to changes in groundwater recharge and pumping. Interconnected surface water monitoring wells help determine how river water is connected to shallow groundwater.

More information can be accessed on the SVBGSA GSP web map.

DA-1 Well